Causas da interrupción da comunicación do inversor
Causas da interrupción da comunicación do inversor

A interrupción da comunicación do inversor provocará un fallo na monitorización, control, e axustar a saída en tempo real, afectando o rendemento global do axuste do AGC, and failing to detect inverter failures in time, making the equipment in a risky operating state.

The possible reasons are:
(1) The RS-485 connection of the communication terminal of the inverter is loose;
(2) Failure of the box-type transformer measurement and control communication board;
(3) The RS-485 communication line is broken, grounded or interfered;
(4) The optical fiber in the factory area is damaged and the transmission channel is interrupted.

Treatment measures
(1) Check whether the background monitoring combiner box communication is normal. If the communication of the combiner box is normal, the problems of the optical fiber channel and the box-type transformer measurement and control body are excluded;

(2) Check on site whether there is any wiring problem at the RS-485 terminal of the inverter;

(3) Check whether the voltage of the RS-485 communication line of the inverter is normal, and check for problems such as line damage and grounding.

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